Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Start of an Epic Journey

           Hi, well, uhm, I'm Adam, and recently, my friends and I decided to do something outrageous. We decided to make a bucket list, extremely similar to the Buried Life on MTV, and choose about 52 things we'd like to complete before our biological clocks run out. Except, we're not going down the exact same road. When we cross a couple of things off of our list, we want some of what we hope to be viewers to send in somethings they'd like to see us do, and we could, in time, cross them off as well. This is the basis of what we're trying to accomplish, and we really are more excited about this then you could imagine.

           Right now, I'm assuming we're the only ones reading this, which is great, but hopefully down the road the word about us escapes our small town and inspire others to go out and do the things they'd like to do. Now,  let me tell you about myself, as well as the four amazing bro's that are involved in this. We've all lived in relatively the same area of New Jersey for a while, and have all been friends throughout high school, but have really gotten close this year. We hang out constantly, and are always thinking up crazy crap to do. I consider these guys my best friends, and I'd trust them with just about anything. We're all seniors, and want to pull off some amazing feats before we put on the cap and gown and venture off into the collegiate world. You have myself, Adam, I'm 18, my twin brother, Nick, obviously 18, Nolan, who's 17, Nicky, 17, and Mike, 18. This is how we came up with MikeAdamNickNolanNicky.

          Our big thing will be the youtube account, which will contain a video showing what went down as we cross off item after item. Tomorrow, all five of us are getting together to tape interviews, showing whichever viewers we have, a little bit about us. The bottom line is we're five, fun, optimistic, and adventurous guys who want to change the world. If you haven't guessed already, TCTW means "To Change The World. Tomorrow I'll post the twitter account, youtube account, facebook, and everything else we've set up for this. I'm more excited about this then just about anything, and cannot wait to get started. Hope to keep you entertained and inspired, and thanks for reading. You won't wanna miss this.


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