Thursday, December 30, 2010

48 hours of no sleep? PSHHH, EASY.

On Tuesday, at 10 AM, MANNN woke up at te exact same time, hoping to stay up for the next two days. We met up Tuesday night around 10, and did everything we possibly could to stay up. The first night really wasn't bad, Alia Smith and Brittany Mateiro, our first fans of the week helped us stay up along with these two awesome girls from Rhode Island. Long story. Anyway, the first night actually was fun, we fist pumped, and made it through. Including camera man Dan Jacko. The next day was, well, a challenge. We went our seperate ways around 9, and MANN, not Nicky, since he was working, obviously, met up at this Benefit Concert called "Banding Together". It was tough to rock out with no sleep, but we did our best. We even got a shout out from one of the local bands, "Fairfield", check em out, links on our FB page. Afterwards, we came back to my house, and chilled for a couple of hours. I was wearing feety pajamas btw, just saying. The rest of MANNN went home around 2:30, where we used this video to help us stay up: .

I conked out around 3:30, and Nick around 4. Nicky got to around 6, give or take a few mins, and Mike and Nolan actually made it to our goal. They played CODBO, (call of duty black ops) and are now sound asleep...finally. Check off #45!

The vids will hopefully be up soon, in the mean time, help us out, like us on fb. See ya guys later.

2 down, 50 to go.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Interviews Going Up, Busy Week Ahead!

Mike has put three of the six interviews up, he put up his own, mine, and Nick's. He edited them using his amazing skills, and they look awesome. Thanks again MD! The other three will be up within the next few days. We also will have the first official episode up this week. EDIT: The other two are up now! Nolan's and Nicky's, they are at our FB PAGE, AND YOUTUBE PAGE!

Tuesday, we're starting #45 on the official list, "Stay up for 48 hours straight". We're going to be staying over mi casa Tuesday night, and can use all of the help staying up we can get. Call us, text us, somehow, get in contact with us and keep us up. This is going to be very difficult, but we're going to do our best to conquer it.

Keep you all posted.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Matching Hats on Santa's Lap

We did it. I know I promised our interviews to be up over a week ago, but Mike's trying to make them perfect and they should be up soon. Anyway, we crossed number 19 off of our list today, which was sitting on santa's lap, and we did it. We got up with all of those 6 year olds, stood in line for a good half hour, and sat on the jolly, old, white man's lap. Nicky and Nick were the one's sitting on his lap, while the rest of us gathered around and smiled for the camera. Our video should be up...before New Years. Hopefully sooner, but it'll be worth the wait. We need to get the interviews up before the first list item. We also shot a holiday promo, so it'll be up soon too.

We all bought each other gift, and easily, the second best gift was Mike buying Nolan condoms. Extra small, by the way. The best gift was the matching, fleece hats engraved with MANNN Nicky picked up for us. He's the man.

We promise our videos will be up ASAP, we just want them to be perfect.

Special thanks to Alia Smith for video taping yesterday since Dan Jacko couldn't make it.

1 down, 51 to go.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The List

Here it is, what you've been waiting for.

1. Go Christmas Caroling before Christmas
2. Do BTR Dance in front of 100+ People
3. Invent a Catch Phrase
4. Pull an amazing prank
5. Ask out a stranger and go on a date with them
6. Meet BTR
7. Get on a reality show
8. Get on a radio show
9. Learn how to play an instrument
10. Walk around painted as the color of some other race
11. Write, direct, and produce a short film
12. Invite random people to a specific event, where no one knows each other
13. Get a sandwich at grease trucks named after one of us
14. Polar Bear Swim
15. Win $1000 and donate it to a charity
16. Have  random stranger recognize us on the street
17. Shit in the middle of the street
18. Go to a super bowl
19. Sit on Santa's Lap
20. Go trick-or-treating during summer
21. Get matching tattoos
22. Coach a sports team to a championship
23. Climb to the top of a New York City Skyscraper
24. Take a train to a random location and spend the night there
25. Meet a member of the 'I Love You, Man" cast
26. Take a picture in the White House
27. Run a marathon/triathlon
28. Compete in an official fight
29. Sing at a karaoke bar
30. Ride a mechanical bull
31. Break a Guinness World Record
32. Perform a one day live stream
33. Cut the ribbon at a major opening
34. Sing the national anthem to a packed crowd
35. Throw the first pitch at a baseball game
36. Cross-country road trip
37. Audition for America's Got talent
38. Dress up in tuxedo's for a full day around town
39. Receive a sponsorship
40. Dress up as a Christmas Tree and stand outside
41. Appear in a newspaper
42. Get a pizza delivered to someone else's house
43. Be featured on TV
44. Go to a freezing cold sports event with letters painted on our chest
45. Stay up for 48 hours
46. Get over our fears
47. Ghost hunt in a haunted place
48. Freeze time in a busy, public area
49. Do ten nice things for strangers
50. Play 250 games of air hockey in 24 hours
51. Climb a mountain
52. Finish the List
53. Attempt Milk Challenge

Monday, December 20, 2010

3, 2, 1 GO

Sup guys, just wanted to give you the whole lo-down on what's been taking place. We have two videos up, our group intro and our video intro, both can be found at

We also have started our twitter so check it out at!/MANNN_TCTW

We also have our group picture at!/pages/Mannn-TCTW/167759749927457l                               uploaded by our good friend, alia smith. sorry for the bad grammar, im in school, in law and society class

Colleen Jones, a girl from our school told me to make this shorter so people stay interested. I did.

Props to Mike Drozd for editing the intro to our vids, he's sick.

Should have more to come, very soon.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Interviews and Pictures, DONE

   So today was the official start of what we HOPE to be a world changing project. The process was long, tough, and kind of rigid, but we finished the interviews, introduction, and even had a pretty sick photo shoot. Mike, the computer wizard among us has the flip recorder we taped the videos with and will be editing them and putting them on to a newly made youtube account. Our group picture hasn't been officially chosen, but we have narrowed it down, and they should be up here tomorrow. This might sound dumb, but going through this interview process made me feel as if I was addressing the rest of the world. I didn't feel like I was alone, in the mannn cave, by the way you'll find more about that as we progress, but as if I was getting inside the heads of every teen mind who's looking to change the world. We also introduced the project to a bunch of our friends, who couldn't be more excited for it. Our interviews not only showed the fun, joking side, but the caring, loving, and TCTW mindset that really gave us a reason to start this. We also interviewed someone else, another one of our close friends, Dan "THE MANNN" Jacko. We asked him to be our manager, agent, camera man, etc. He happily accepted and is just as excited as we are. And even when our interviews are up, there's still a lot more to learn. If you have any questions please shoot over an e-mail at, or text me, loljk, don't text me.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Start of an Epic Journey

           Hi, well, uhm, I'm Adam, and recently, my friends and I decided to do something outrageous. We decided to make a bucket list, extremely similar to the Buried Life on MTV, and choose about 52 things we'd like to complete before our biological clocks run out. Except, we're not going down the exact same road. When we cross a couple of things off of our list, we want some of what we hope to be viewers to send in somethings they'd like to see us do, and we could, in time, cross them off as well. This is the basis of what we're trying to accomplish, and we really are more excited about this then you could imagine.

           Right now, I'm assuming we're the only ones reading this, which is great, but hopefully down the road the word about us escapes our small town and inspire others to go out and do the things they'd like to do. Now,  let me tell you about myself, as well as the four amazing bro's that are involved in this. We've all lived in relatively the same area of New Jersey for a while, and have all been friends throughout high school, but have really gotten close this year. We hang out constantly, and are always thinking up crazy crap to do. I consider these guys my best friends, and I'd trust them with just about anything. We're all seniors, and want to pull off some amazing feats before we put on the cap and gown and venture off into the collegiate world. You have myself, Adam, I'm 18, my twin brother, Nick, obviously 18, Nolan, who's 17, Nicky, 17, and Mike, 18. This is how we came up with MikeAdamNickNolanNicky.

          Our big thing will be the youtube account, which will contain a video showing what went down as we cross off item after item. Tomorrow, all five of us are getting together to tape interviews, showing whichever viewers we have, a little bit about us. The bottom line is we're five, fun, optimistic, and adventurous guys who want to change the world. If you haven't guessed already, TCTW means "To Change The World. Tomorrow I'll post the twitter account, youtube account, facebook, and everything else we've set up for this. I'm more excited about this then just about anything, and cannot wait to get started. Hope to keep you entertained and inspired, and thanks for reading. You won't wanna miss this.
